Thursday 19 April 2007

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Consider this blog to be a petition to the Minister for Transport, as well as a memo to the various transport operators. Thank you for visiting.

To maintain its credibility, please be factual and honest when you add a comment about your own experience. Copy and paste the following format when posting your comment:

Date of poor service experience:
Route number:
Going to:
Name of service provider:
Scheduled time of service:
What happened:


deedub said...

Date of poor service experience: 13 April
Time: 4pm
Bus/Tram/Train: Tram
Route number: 57
Going to: Footscray
Name of service provider: Yarra Trams
Scheduled time of service:
What happened: Two kids about 13 sniffing aerosol paint from plastic bags.

Priscilla said...

Date of poor service experience: 19 April
Time: 5.40pm
Bus/Tram/Train: Train
Route number: Sydenham
Going to: Footscray
Name of service provider: Connex
Scheduled time of service: 5.35pm (approx.) from Parliament
What happened: We had one of those 1970's trains. As it left Melbourne Central, the lights went off and the doors started beeping. Then we sat in the underground loop for a few minutes with the lights off. No explanation from the driver.

Unknown said...

I lost my weekly ticket on a Wednesday. I told the staff on arriving at Melbourne central station. They took my information and gave me a piece of paper that was to be my daily ticket.
Within 2 weeks I received a fine for $240.00 dollars. I remembered that luckily I did not buy the ticket at the station (where you don’t get a receipt) but at a news agency (where you do get a printed receipt). I went to the news agency where I purchased my ticket and asked for a receipt. I sent a letter with a copy of the ticket to the appropriate connex address thinking it will sort things out. About 2 weeks later I received a letter stating that the receipt from the news agency was not enough evidence to prove that I have possessed and that I have validated a ticket on the day.
Question; I How do I prove that I had a ticket and validated that ticket on the day when I MISS PLACED IT ON THE TRAIN?????
Within 2 days I received the same fine that has been increased by $ 60.00 dollars for administration charges. I went to seek legal aid and found out that I had no case unless I was able to prove that I had validated a ticket on that day?
There is no way even if hell freezes over and pigs start flying and the trains will start coming on time that I will ever pay a penny for this fine. There is no way that I could ever prove what connex is asking me to prove. No one can. Not even connex.

Unknown said...

When I purchase a ticket for a service I expect to get the service not half a service or a delayed or cancelled service. Can anyone tell me how many services were cancelled or running late between October 2006 and January 2007. Almost impossible. There were too many on daily basis. Did we all still purchase a ticket full price? Yes we did.

Unknown said...

Date of poor service experience: 19 April
Time: 7.50pm
Bus/Tram/Train: Train
Route number: Packenham/Cranbourne
Going to: City
Name of service provider: Connex
Scheduled time of service:7.46am
What happened: today it didn't later too much, but this later thing has been a long time. Probably two months. Sometimes it could be 10 minutes later. I heard someone was fired because of the delay. You know when train's later, it will be totally packed up and some people couldn't get on the train and etc. it's just so terrible.